Re: MD Re: Rorty (Big Self & small self)

From: David MOREY (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 20:06:32 GMT

  • Next message: Scott R: "Re: MD Re: Rorty (Big Self & small self)"

    Scott said:

    Yes, the static patterns manifest DQ, but my objection is that Pirsig takes
    this in a nominalistic way, as evidenced by his considering DQ as
    "pre-intellectual", and in general seeing the intellect as covering up DQ.

    DM: I guess my view, to offer an alternative, is that DQ clearly underlies
    all SQ so one approach to DQ is to
    get away from all differentiation/intellect. However, another way pushes
    intellect as far as it can go, intellect clearly
    covers up the existence of DQ/Becoming as argues by Heidegger/Bhaskar in the
    form of SOM, however there is the
    possibility of pushing intellect out beyond SOM, where, in a way, as
    Heidegger says 'thinking breaks' and you arrive
    back at DQ, and in an intellectually more profound way having passed through
    the limitations of SOM.

    David M
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 3:07 AM
    Subject: MD Re: Rorty (Big Self & small self)


    Thanks for the paragraph on Barfield and the references. I'll definitely
    get round to read "Saving the Appearances" at some point.

    Ant said previously:

    It maybe not be obvious in Pirsig's work but I don't think he overlooks that
    nirvana = samsara because the bottom line, in the MOQ, is that all static
    patterns are essentially manifestations of Dynamic Quality. I have mentioned
    this in previous posts and also briefly allude to this in Section 5.5. of my
    PhD textbook where I discuss the relationship between Nagarjuna and Pirsig.

    Scott said:

    Yes, the static patterns manifest DQ, but my objection is that Pirsig takes
    this in a nominalistic way, as evidenced by his considering DQ as
    "pre-intellectual", and in general seeing the intellect as covering up DQ.


    I've been given the above objection some thought. However, I don't
    understand what you mean exactly by "the intellect as covering up DQ". If
    you could phrase this in a different way and/or expand on it that will
    enable me to give you a suitable response.

    Best wishes,


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