Re: MD Right-brain source of DQ ?

From: Sharath Kumar (
Date: Sun Feb 08 2004 - 09:44:45 GMT

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD Objectivity, Truth and the MOQ"

         Thanks for your reply, I havent checked out the sensory deprivation
    theory thread yet,will read it.
        Yes i get the similiarity,increase in speed of processing thought ==
    performing at peak levels.
        Perhaps meditation is one of the ways to harness the power of the right
    brain,But i really dont know if meditation
        could open new thoughts or shut all thoughts altogether,I am am not an
    expert in all these but just speculating here, maybe the way the right brain
        operates is more interms of action rather...than only through thoughts.
    I say this because that when one is deeply engrossed in some activity,there
    is no concept of time or thought involved.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Matt poot" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 8:01 AM
    Subject: RE: MD Right-brain source of DQ ?

    > I don't know if any of you checked out my sensory deprivation theory
    > Well, it was quite a mess. However, the primary reasoning behind the
    > theory , was to speed the thought process , as a result of not using
    > but rather feeling/thought.
    > Sharath said: Tim Galleway suggests that by shutting of the left brain and
    > giving the
    > right brain a free reign,people can perform at thier peak level.
    > -=*POOT*=- I never could have thought of that. Do you see the similarity
    > though? This is very interesting to me. I think that if you could focus
    > the power of the right brain , perhaps in a sort of meditation(?), that it
    > could open up new thoughts to people. Would there be limitations on the
    > boundaries of those thoughts(since you would primarily be using one side
    > the brain)?
    > What do you mean by Dynamic Quality>?
    > poot.
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