Re: MD SQ-SQ tension in Mozart's Symphony No38

Date: Sun Feb 15 2004 - 22:07:08 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Objectivity, Truth and the MOQ"

    In a message dated 2/15/04 9:14:10 PM GMT Standard Time,

    > Mark,
    > I agree with what you say but will take it further. Even Mozart (and I
    > am not saying his music is any less than ...anyone's!) once recorded becomes
    > static, correct? Once it is recorded it always exists. Unless there's a live
    > performance with change it will never be dynamic.
    > So, maybe what we're (or me) is trying to get at is the effects of this
    > music on the individual/group/critics, etc. Or maybe it's the actual musician
    > that is best. Maybe the way these musicians manipulate music is what
    > determines good, great and greatest??? Am I totally off the wall or is there any
    > realness with these statements?
    > I find that listening to Progressive rock (can) puts me in another
    > world, so to speak. (No drugs involved!!!) I also find Rage Against The Machine to
    > get me motivated whereas I have seen other listen to a country music song
    > that I may find somewhat depressing to be their motivator. So, even though the
    > music has been recorded and static, the effects from listening to the same
    > static art is always different. All outside influences have to count for the
    > product the music creates as well. And so on and so on....Ahhh this thing is
    > turning ugly for me. Apologies!
    > Dan

    Hi Dan,
    I agree with your position.
    There is a discovery to be made here: You ARE a history of static patterns in
    relationship with DQ. When this overall relationship is coherent magic
    happens - no drugs necessary!
    Yes, Mozart is static Quality, but not when we experience it in a coherent
    relationship with DQ. When that happens we create new static experiences until
    we get sick to death of it.

    I can tell you feel passionately about your music, and in that i can totally
    empathise with you.

    All the best,

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