Re: MD Odd assumptions of modern outlook

From: David MOREY (
Date: Sat Mar 06 2004 - 23:28:28 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD When is a society a good society?"

    Hi All

    Just read about three aspects of modern outlook in Richard Tarnas's
    excellent -Passion of the Western Mind:

    1) The cosmos does not need to be constantly sustained by God.
    2) That cosmic order is the result of innate mechnical regularities
    generated by nature without purpose.
    3) That the human mind is capable of comprehending that order, an entirely
    natural order.

    I would suggest these are pretty true aspcts of modern SOM outlook. Opposed
    to them
    the MOQ with its SQ/DQ schema, places a doubt over number one by recognising
    endless pouring forth of DQ into the cosmos, and the mystery of the
    groundless existence
    of SQ, coming again, same again, repeating, who knows how or more
    importantly why?

    Number 2 is rejected, there is more to existence than mechanical regularity,
    DQ and evolution and process
    and value and purpose have to be recognised in their non-mechanical reality.

    Number 3 shows that science/modern outlook is less skeptical than the
    medieval one. The medieval
    view was often that human reason was very unlikely to be able to comprehend
    the workings
    of the creator's will. Also what does the concept 'natural order' mean? Why
    should there be any order?
    And why should 'natural order' ever amount to anything? These seem to be the
    problems that the
    popular anthropic principle come up against. Do we go back to the conception
    of a divine architect?
    I suggest not. Only a purposeful and active DQ with innate values can make
    any sense of cosmic
    order and achievement as a cosmic activity and not as a cosmic accident.

    Any thoughts?

    David M

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Destination Quality" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 4:29 PM
    Subject: Re: MD When is a society a good society?

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