Re: MD SQ-SQ coherence and the Biosphere.

From: David MOREY (
Date: Wed Mar 24 2004 - 18:57:45 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD SQ-SQ coherence and the Biosphere."


    This is wrong I think. See what Anthony says in his thesis
    about Popper and propensities. It seems that all physical
    systems are a mixture of static patterns and dynamic factors.
    So the mountain might erode to the east or west, whether it
    does one or the other is a dynamic matter and unpredicatable,
    and where there is openness maybe there is choice, perhaps such
    purposeful openness explains the anthropic problem of this
    seemingly so well connected cosmos. See what Pirsig says about
    purpose and causality. I think he has the answers here but fails to apply
    them to the inorganic level.

    David M

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Platt Holden" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 4:46 PM
    Subject: Re: MD SQ-SQ coherence and the Biosphere.

    > Hi Poot,
    > > I would like to use the example of rocks, and mountains. Over time , we
    > > know that mountains change they're shape drastically, thus directly
    > > affecting the organic material/beings around them. Yet, mountains are
    > > inorganic. The weather, rain, is inorganic. It is dynamic, and static,
    > > different applications.
    > >
    > > A rock, is static, and inorganic, seemingly. But over time,
    > > by the human eye (mostly), it changes . Everything inorganic, whether
    > > be atoms, mountains, or grains of sand, are constantly in physical
    > > This change, physical shift, affects other things, creating patterns in
    > > its wake.
    > >
    > > Example(to stay with the rock theme) : A rock, over time, is gradually
    > > down by the rain. Ever so slowly, it becomes smaller, and along the way
    > > gets knocked around . Eventually it turns into sand.
    > >
    > > Pattern: Rock->erosion-->sand
    > >
    > > DQ- The pattern, erosion, while in progress, builds up to a point where
    > > the rock will fall , because as it is being eroded, it changes its
    > > foothold, and moves.
    > Mountains, rocks, pebbles, sand, wind, snow, rain and mud puddles all
    > change as a result of natural forces that have long been identified by
    > scientists. Dynamic Quality is a "wondrous occurrence" that happens
    > unexpectedly. It plays no part in changing the shape of mountains.
    > The mistake is to assume all change occurs in response to DQ. Watching the
    > tide come in should disabuse anyone of that notion.
    > Static patterns of cause and effect make mountains change shape, not DQ.
    > Pirsig makes the point:
    > "Dynamic quality cannot be part of any cause and effect system since all
    > cause and effect systems are static patterns." (Note 56, Lila's Child)
    > Platt
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