Re: MD junk or politics on this list

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Fri Apr 16 2004 - 07:30:05 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD junk or politics on this list"

    Dear David B. (and Platt),

    Platt wrote 3 Apr 2004 11:43:07 -0500:
    'My ego, large as it is, will not permit me to believe I'm really capable of
    creating any new philosophies or philosophical ideas. Nor do I think many

    David wrote 4 Apr 2004 15:21:29 -0600:
    'Yea, me too. When I read the posts of those who presume to know better than
    Pirsig, I blush with embarrassment for them.'

    Capability of contributing to new intellectual patterns of value doesn't
    require a large ego. It rather requires pursuing and receptivity to DQ and
    thus a small ego (not clinging to and identifying with existing intellectual
    patterns of value).
    A new intellectual pattern of value is not necessarily a better pattern of
    value. Stability and versatility of new intellectual patterns of value only
    show in the course of intellectual evolution. DQ doesn't only leave BETTER
    static patterns of value in its wake (at any level). Evolution (at any
    level) is the weeding out of those that are not stable and versatile enough.
    Participating in a better intellectual pattern of value doesn't imply
    'knowing better' than someone who doesn't. The intellectual pattern may be
    better; the participants need not be. 'Knowing better' refers to 'subjective
    knowledge better (more "truely") representing objective reality', which is a
    high quality intellectual pattern of value, but one we are trying to leave
    behind when we apply a MoQ.

    With friendly greetings,


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