Re: MD Morality of deadly force

Date: Mon May 10 2004 - 00:16:46 BST

  • Next message: InfoPro Consulting: Mark Heyman: "Re: MD Morality of deadly force"


        What I was asking was that all wars, for example, are really for a
    greater cause - Money and/or Power. Thus, murder for capitalism.
        Someone mentioned when a bear attacks a hunter. My question is WHY is
    this bear being hunted? Once the hunter kills the bear he'll take it's hide and
    sell it (most likely). OR...once we "liberate" Iraq from it's "oppressors" the
    USA will use the death of the soldiers and civilians as "The Cost of Freedom"
    cause. (Which, IMO, is absolute crap) The truth is the USA will then establish
    an embassy and military bases for the sole purpose of oil (ie: financial
    gain). Yet we say it's for the good of society, or "killing the germ before the
    germ kills the higher intellectuals".
        Apologies for not being the scholar or the master atriculator. Maybe you
    can see what I'm trying to get at!


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