RE: MD quality religion (Christianity)

From: storeyd (
Date: Wed May 12 2004 - 02:28:45 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD quality religion (Christianity)"

    Wim, thanks for your post; that statistic is unnerving indeed. What good can
    come of all this, you ask? Well, with respect to the USA's recent foreign
    policy actions, and the worldview that governs them, the answer is "not much
    at all." I think alot of people fail to realize that the impetus behind this
    whole Iraq policy is the brainchild of the neo-conservative mind; the neo-con
    thinks that, in the long run, lies in politics are justified, because the
    masses are basically stupid and need to be pacified with facile facts and
    reasons for major policy decisions. The war in Iraq is the practical
    unfolding of the utopian dream of Wolfowitz and the ex-cold warriors, who
    believe they have a destiny and responsibility to overcome centuries of
    conflict between the jewish and islamic faiths, and they think happy crappy
    christian capitalism is the best way to do it. they are meddling with forces
    they can neither fathom nor hope to control, and the shit storm is bound to
    get worse.

    Incidentally, though America is "more advanced" from a technological and
    financial standpoint (though not for long), from a cultural respect it is far
    behind, and decidedly immature. we spurn countries like france and europe for
    their secularism, yet the reality is that our allegedly religious society is
    spiritually bankrupt; the fact that faith-based issues still color and cloud
    the effect public opinion has on presidential maneuvering (see: gay marriage,
    abortion, etc.) is testament to our adolescent political culture and the
    regressive force pop-religion exerts on our society. It seems like many
    european governments are rapidly realizing that the 21st century is going to
    be about post-national, or trans-national politics; in other words, economic,
    ecological, and security factors are making painfully clear how necessary
    concrete, practical international governing bodies are going to be if we are
    at all interested in averting a bleaker century than the last. put simply:
    multilateralism is, in the long run, in everyone's national interest. the
    contrast between the US and Europe's attempts to combat terrorism is testament
    to the ideological gulf that separates them. The idiots in washington still
    don't get it.

    You wonder, don't you, how much like a story the political drama reads? what
    they say about absolute power and all?
    like to hear your comments.

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