Re: MD "biological" crime

From: David Morey (
Date: Sat May 22 2004 - 18:16:33 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD "biological" crime"


    I would extend my point to say that
    we could only start to talk about homosexual acts
    after we have developed the concept of
    homosexuality. When I say natural, you are right that
    I am suggesting that it is odd in the MOQ to limit it to biology.
    In MOQ evolutionary terms there is no distinction
    between natural/unnatural, everything has naturally
    evolved as inanimate, biological, social, intellectual.
    Homosexuality has been set up as a way to describe
    certain sexual behaviour of a non-procreative kind
    and to then value it either positively or negatively.
    Most/many of us these days accept sex as a free activity
    valued in non-procreative terms. There are good and bad consequencies
    linked to all human activity. There are bad consequencies attached to
    over population of course. I think a general focus on sex/sexuality pretty
    much indicates a lack of time/effort/value with respect to the intellectual
    which we badly undervalue at this time. But of course, you can only aim so
    high, as many myths indicate, you neglect the beast at your peril.

    Of course, many great and successful people have been homosexual,
    so I see it fitting quite comfortably into an MOQ scheme where we can
    assess a person's achievements and value on all the levels on which they
    operate. Above all we value DQ, freedom, intellect. And maybe also
    if we are lucky a good sex life, friends, family, food, survival, etc.

    David M

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Alicia Dvorak" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 9:20 PM
    Subject: Re: MD "biological" crime

    > On May 20, 2004, at 2:27 PM, David Morey wrote:
    > > Everything is natural or does not exist,the concept
    > > of homosexuality is an intellectual one of course,
    > > at the biological level there are only, perhaps, homosexual
    > > acts we might like to say, and these occur very naturally with all
    > > kinds of
    > > animals
    > > I am told.
    > >
    > AD: are you using natural to mean biological? that would mean that you
    > are claiming that the social and int. levels are not 'real' or do not
    > exist which is exactly the idea that the MoQ is trying to get away
    > from. So I think that you might mean something else by natural, but
    > I'm not sure what.
    > That aside for now...homosexual acts occur so homosexuality is not a
    > concept, it is a physical action/event/desire/or whatever. ideas
    > ABOUT homosexuality exist in the social and intelectual levels.
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