Re: MD quality religion (Christianity)

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Tue May 25 2004 - 07:25:50 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD quality religion (Christianity)"

    Dear Mark H.,

    You wrote 24 May 2004 21:35:41 -0700:
    'Wim, relax. The folks running things over here are in no way irrational.
    They know EXACTLY what they are doing, and what they are doing is enriching
    themselves and their families for generations to come. They nod, and wink,
    and make concessions to the whacky religious right because they see there a
    powerful voting base. But they would no more turn the reins of power over
    to, say, Jerry Falwell than they would to Ralph Nader or Noam Chomsky.'

    So you are essentially telling me not to worry about a 'whacky religious
    right' majority in the USA because it isn't a democracy and because the
    selfish rich are in power and will be for quite some time to come?? Very
    reassuring, thanks. )-;

    With friendly greetings,


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