Re: MD lure of Dynamic Quality

From: Joe (
Date: Tue May 25 2004 - 21:41:20 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD quality religion (Christianity)"

    On 23 May 2004 22:05 Mark Steven Heyman writes:

    msh says:
    I see the unfinished in intellect; I see the order in social; don't
    understand "purpose" at the biological. What do you mean?

    joe: IMO gravity ruthlessly applied admits of no purpose. Yet the
    individuals of the organic order feed to exist. Somehow the randomness of
    gravity has evolved to feeding. The dynamic of feeding of organic evolution
    is a metaphysical degenerate I call 'purpose'.

    joe said:
    To gravity he attributes a ruthlessness. Dynamic Quality is movement
    to and away from something. I can't be neutral about it.

    I see DQ always as a positive, something always pushing us forward.
    Not sure what you mean by movement away. We either fight gravity or
    succumb to it, so no neutrality. But, IMO, DQ is experienced only
    when we STOP fighting. Whadaya think?

    joe: I am thinking of creation, destruction, and preservation as
    metaphysical degenerates of DQ. Preservation is SQ! In the story of the
    Brujo the 'destruction' of the priest's power was important. As for the
    Brujo: "he was just following some vague sense of 'betterness' that he
    couldn't have defined if he had wanted to." Creation! The movement is not
    always to something better, but sometimes away from obstacles. IMO DQ is
    not just experienced when we stop fighting, but it can be the lure that
    draws us into the fight. I like Mark's terminology in The Edge of Chaos
    "Coherence and tension". The morality in the levels is an awareness that 'I
    want' without being aware of what 'I' am.

    Joe Maurer is going away for a wedding.

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