Re: MD MOQ and The Moral Evolution of Society.

From: David Morey (
Date: Sun May 30 2004 - 18:39:55 BST

  • Next message: David Morey: "Re: MD MOQ and The Moral Evolution of Society."

    Hi Platt

    Yes, that's OK. Perhaps I am thinking
    less that DQ is more complex, but its activity
    becomes more complex, and as DQ is an activity
    I see it as making a necessary appearance within
    what we call consciousness, i.e. I cannot imagine
    consciousness in an exclusively SQ context. Can you?
    Rather that would be unconsciousness would it not?

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Platt Holden" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 1:57 PM
    Subject: Re: MD MOQ and The Moral Evolution of Society.

    > Hi David M:
    > > You could say that consciousness exists at all levels
    > > and human consciousness is more complex
    > > than animal, plant, molecular, atomic, electron
    > > consciousness. More complex consciouness
    > > may mean a greater reach, consciously occupying
    > > a larger world, as we increasingly do. & I am
    > > suggesting associating consciousness in the above sense
    > > with DQ.
    > I agree consciousness extends all the way back to electrons, but I don't
    > think Pirsig associates consciousness with DQ, at least, I can find no
    > references to that effect. Instead, he describes DQ as a creative moral
    > force. So I presume consciousness, or interiority, to be a static pattern
    > created to enable static forms to more easily respond to the DQ force. I
    > don't think we can conclude that because the world has become more complex
    > over time in our limited view that DQ, which created that complexity, has
    > necessarily itself become more complex.
    > > I take your point about mystics and SOM.
    > > But therefore, what do you think of the intellectual level?
    > > Pirsig suggests that it is the highest level, you point out its
    > > association with SOM, is it highest yet flawed?
    > I agree that the intellectual level is the highest, but the intellectual
    > pattern that dominates the intellectual level in our culture, the pattern
    > subject-object science, is flawed, as Pirsig explains:
    > "But having said this, the Metaphysics of Quality goes on to say that
    > science, the intellectual pattern that bas been appointed to take over
    > society, has a defect in it. The defect is that subject-object science has
    > provision for morals." (Lila, 22)
    > Of course, that begs the question, "What morals?" The MOQ is all about the
    > answer to that question, dumping the widely held premise that all morals
    > simply social level patterns and instead, extending morality to the very
    > heart of reality.
    > Hope this answers your question.
    > Regards,
    > Platt
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