RE: MD Objectivism and the MOQ

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Tue Jun 15 2004 - 10:37:41 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD Forum style.."

    Hi Johnny

    Johnny said:
    ...the values of the pre-intellectual awareness are not sensed or valued
    randomly, but rather are sensed and valued for reasons. This is the
    connection of Reason, as in, the ability of consciousness to order and
    structure according to values

    You seem to be equating Rand's Reason with Pirsig's Quality.

    "The overwhelming majority of facts, the sights and sounds that are
    around us every second and the relationships among them and everything
    in our memory...these have no Quality, in fact have a negative quality.
    If they were all present at once our consciousness would be so jammed
    with meaningless data we couldn't think or act. So we pre-select on the
    basis of Quality, or, to put it Phædrus' way, the track of Quality
    pre-selects what data we're going to be conscious of, and it makes this
    selection in such a way as to best harmonize what we are with what we
    are becoming." [ZMM p.319]

    In the MOQ, reason is not required to 'pre-select' a structured reality,
    reason is secondary to value, it follows value. If you equate reason
    with value then I think you are moving away from Pirsig towards Plato.

    Johnny said:
    Reason, as in, the idea that there is only one way for consciousness to
    order and structure reality, and it is dependent on the prior order and
    structure of reality.

    Just because our experience isn't a random integration of sense-data, it
    does not follow that "there is only one way for consciousness to order
    and structure reality." This is similar to the stance taken by
    'objective idealists' who, whilst denying the independent existence of a
    world of objects, nevertheless maintain the existence of
    'things-as-they-are,' which in your case may be
    'things-as-they-have-to-be' or 'things-as-they-are-expected.'

    Johnny said:
    Unless someone is proposing that each moment bears no connection to the
    previous or next moments, I don't see how Rand and the MoQ are

    I'm certainly not proposing that but I don't see what it has to do with
    deciding the compatibility of Pirsig and Rand.

    Johnny said:
    Rand just stresses reason, whereas Pirsig stresses value.

    Rand begins with an absolute objective reality which can be known and
    understood by reason.

    Pirsig begins with a fundamental reality that cannot be known or
    understood by reason.

    I think the difference is a little more than 'emphasis.'

    Johnny said:
    But you can't have either without the other. Both are aspects of

    I think the MOQ argues that there is no reason without value but there
    is value without reason. I agree that they are both aspects of Morality
    - static and Dynamic aspects.


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