Date: Tue Jun 22 2004 - 12:48:39 BST

  • Next message: gav: "Re: MD Coherence and the situationsists."

    Ant McWatt stated June 19th 2004:

    As regards J. P. Rushton, it seems that he is pretty typical of the type of racist driven by materially orientated social values as noted in the above AAA article. Moreover, from examining Mark Heyman’s excellent posts on the subject, it seems that Rushton has very low quality credentials to make any scientific comment concerning the relationship between biological value patterns and human behaviour. I also wonder what he’s spending all that “Pioneer Fund” money on.

    Paul Vogel replied June 21st 2004:

    Scientific research, mostly?

    Ant McWatt comments June 22nd 2004:

    It’s the “leastly” which I’m interested in here. Vogel seems very keen for people to refer to a number of references and internet sources icw cosmotheism so, with his desire to provide as much information as possible in mind, I’m sure there will be no problem in his providing a link to the recent accounts for the Pioneer Fund. As full as possible, please.

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