MD The Final Cut

From: Horse (
Date: Wed Jun 23 2004 - 20:51:45 BST

  • Next message: Paul Vogel: "Re: MD COSMOTHEISM"

    Before I start I just want to point out that whatever I say on this subject I know I'm going
    to upset someone - possibly everyone - so I'm not going to take this into account. If you
    don't like what I've got to say then that's just tough luck!

    To Paul Vogel:
    Either cut the crap or get out. One more racist comment and I'll remove you. And don't
    even bother giving me any sanctimonious crap about censorship and the MoQ as I'm
    entirely familiar with anything you may have to say on the subject. You have no interest
    in the MoQ whatsoever - your only intent is to promote the racist messages of
    cosmotheism and you aren't going to use this list to do that. This is your one and only

    To the rest of you:
    What the hell are you doing? Over the last few weeks this list has degenerated into a
    name-calling arena and it's going to stop. Are any of you seriously going to try and
    defend the utter garbage that's been appearing of late?
    "He did this to me so I'm only doing it back"
    "Well he started it so don't blame me"
    "You're a fascist"
    "You're a commie"
    Blah, Blah, Blah.
    Grow up already. I'm not trying to stop valid criticisms and observations but most of
    what's been happening recently is pathetic. And this is aimed at both sides of the
    political divide. Step back, take a deep breath and translate into MoQ. Then continue
    without the name calling. Also remember this is an international discussion list not a
    USA only list. I really don't want to hear any more commie/fascist/social-marxist or any
    other form of name calling. It's entirely inappropriate and pointless. If you can't make a
    point without an insult then go away and meditate (or whatever) until you can. The MoQ
    doesn't need insults and name-calling and neither does the MD list.

    The rules of the moq_discuss forum are quite plain and are reproduced below. I've also
    added some relevant comments afterwards so please read them:

    1) As a minimum requirement for joining the MOQ_DISCUSS mailing list members must
    have read LILA: An Inquiry into Morals by Robert M. Pirsig.

    2) All topics and discussions must be relevant to the Metaphysics of Quality in general
    or some particular aspect of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into
    Values or LILA.

    3) Each member should limit the number of posts they submit to a maximum of four per

    4) Members should reproduce only the relevant parts of any previous message to which
    they are responding.

    5) Contributors should reproduce the Subject line of the thread/discussion to which they
    are replying.

    6) Where possible, posts should be restricted to plain text - no HTML, Rich Text (RTF)
    or other formats should be used.

    7) Posts may not contain attachments, gifs or other documents except by arrangement
    with the list administrator. MOQ_DISCUSS should not be used as a file transfer or
    document exchange service. Use FTP or the Web (put your file/document on the Web
    and mail the list its URL).

    8) Members should refrain from swearing, using offensive language and personal
    attacks on other members. Abuse, in any form, will not be tolerated.

    Rules 1, 3 & 5 will be ignored as long as posts are of value to the forum and don't break
    the other rules.

    Rule 2 can be interpreted widely but no so widely that posts are entirely irrelevant to the
    MoQ. You're intelligent folk so use that intelligence. If it's not about the MoQ then why
    are you posting it on the list?

    Rule 4 should be observed in order to reduce bandwidth and be relevant. Don't
    reproduce an entire post just to add 1 line - just reference the author, time and date
    (and/or URL if it's in the archives).

    Rule 6 is only really important where the use of HTML causes the post to go over the
    12KByte limit. If this happens and your post is bounced to me because of this then don't
    expect it to make it through to the list. If you use HTML in your email and a post doesn't
    make it then turn off the HTML. Do not split it into several parts and make several posts
    of it. Not everyone has broadband and huge wasteful posts are a real pain. Some
    mailing systems (AOL is one such) assume a default of HTML mail. This can be turned
    off with little effort from Version 9 onwards. Just RTFM

    Rule 7 is self-evident but also includes long narratives of dubious value which will also
    be considered as attachments - we've had a lot of these recently. In most cases a URL
    reference can be used. If it can then please do so. If in doubt check with me.

    Rule 8 will from here on be enforced by removals and suspensions. There is, in most
    cases, no reason to be abusive and certainly no need to act in the way many have been
    acting of late. This will also include deliberate wind-ups which are designed to do
    nothing but annoy others. If you want to be involved in a serious discussion about the
    MoQ then this is the place to be - if you want to be an annoying twerp then go and do it
    some place else.

    I'm sure that in most cases from now on where rules get broken it will not be deliberate
    so polite warnings will be given - privately not publicly - but if members continue to
    ignore both the rules and warnings then they will be suspended for a period which will
    vary according to the circumstances. If it continues then those members will be
    permanently removed.

    I am making no apologies for any of the above. If you don't like what I have to say or feel
    that I am being unreasonably harsh then feel free to unsubscribe. I would rather that
    than for members to continue posting the sort of garbage that has been appearing of
    late. If you want to comment on the above then make it brief and relevant or I will simply
    ignore it - and don't bother trying to wind me up with smartass comments 'cos it won't

    As a final point I'd just like to comment on the "should racism be banned from the forum"
    thread. My answer is a definite yes. You'll find the reasons quite plainly in Lila.
    Discussions about racism are fine as long as they don't degenerate into a slagging off
    exercise, but racist comments and racism are a different matter. Discussions about
    almost anything MoQ-related is OK abuse is not OK


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