Date: Wed Jun 23 2004 - 23:45:47 BST

  • Next message: Ian Glendinning: "Re: MD The Final Cut"

    Dear Mark M.,

    You said:

    "It would be better if you cut this out. Freedom of expression is a must but
    this is very poor Quality."

    I am glad that you do agree with me that any such "ad hominem personal
    are of very poor intellectual quality, but, also you failed to mention that
    my own
    response was only in kind to Rich's false personal ad hominem insults, and
    to make
    that very same point.

    Mark 23-6-04: Well Paul, I am happy to correct my omission: ad hominem
    attacks are poor intellectual Quality regardless of who makes them.

    It would actually be better if everyone avoided any such "ad hominem
    attacks", so that we could concentrate instead on discussing LILA and the
    and how it actually relates to COSMOTHEISM or the evolution of the COSMOS

    Best regards,
    Paul Vogel

    Mark 23-6-04: I do not understand how you arrive at Cosmotheism from the
    MOQ's DQ/SQ metaphysical split Paul. The MOQ says SQ is evolving in response to
    DQ, as you must know.

    At the biological and social level there are differentiation's in values.
    There are differentiation's between Human biological patterns. This must be so
    otherwise it would not be possible to distinguish between any patterns at the
    biological level at all - everyone would appear the same.

    Plato argued that Humans would improve if bred like animals. One may
    appreciate how he arrived at this conclusion; animals may be selectively bred in order
    to reinforce certain biological patterns, therefore Humans may respond in the
    same way. In a word - eugenics.
    Isaac Asimov's 'outer worlders' used eugenics in the Elija Bailey robot
    novels. The outer worlds were the first 50 planets to be colonised; a number
    deliberately chosen to draw parallels with the 50 American states. It may be argued
    that Asimov was exploring some difficult issues in his literature?
    On one such world - Solaria - eugenics combined with robot technology
    produced a society where people only ever communicated via holographic projection,
    finding personal contact totally disgusting.

    In the end, the 50 outer worlds failed because they grew so biologically
    clean that they would not risk anything that would threaten their 200+ year life
    spans. It was left to the 'dirty germ ridden' people of the Earth to go far
    beyond yet another 50 worlds to eventually establish a Galactic Empire.

    Dynamic Quality you see?
    Diversification increases Dynamic response.
    If you begin selecting on biological grounds you lose the diversification
    which leads to higher levels of Quality.

    All the best,

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