Re: MD Should racism be banned from the forum?

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Mon Jun 28 2004 - 14:35:56 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: [Spam] Re: [Spam] RE: MD immoral irony?????"

    Hi Chuck,
    > Platt, aren't you and Chomsky speaking of censorship on a legal and/or
    > political level? The MOQ is a privately formed discussion group; which
    > always must reserve the right to ban recurrent hateful speech as judged by
    > the majority and moderator.

    Yes, I was using quotes related to censorship at the legal/political
    level. And yes, Horse as moderator has every right to set the rules and
    enforce them on this site. He is fully aware of the dangers cited in the
    quotes I offered and, if anything, bends over backwards to allow free
    expression. I only question your appeal to the majority to decide what is
    and what isn't allowable here. It's the contrarians to the majority, the
    brujos of the world, who spark evolutionary moral progress.

    > Those who refuse to comply with the rules of
    > conduct by continuously espousing justification for blatant racism and
    > subsequently banned from the MOQ are far from censored. The Web is a vast
    > universe with a nook a or cranny for every nut. Also, no one is stopping
    > Vogel (I use Vogel for example, I know he's not the only one in question)
    > from starting his own group based on nothing else, but generating evidence
    > and support for racial separation, inequality, bogus religious dogma...just
    > about anything actually.

    If you automatically refer to someone who challenges the current cultural
    status quo as a "nut," you may want to take a look a Chapter 26 of Lila
    where Pirsig describes the nature of insanity.

    In any event, welcome to the group. I look forward to your future

    Best regards,

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