Re: MD immoral irony?????

From: Horse (
Date: Tue Jun 29 2004 - 01:24:04 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD the quality of racism"

    Hi Dan

    Good to hear from you and thanks for taking the time to reply.

    On 28 Jun 2004 at 12:34, Dan Glover wrote:

    > Hello everyone
    > >From: "Horse" <>

    > >Hi Dan
    > >
    > >On 27 Jun 2004 at 2:09, Dan Glover wrote:
    > >
    > > > Hi Horse
    > > >
    > > > According to "race" comes from Old Italian "razza" which
    > > > means "lineage." Where did we come from? Certainly there's nothing
    > > > offensive in asking that. It's simply biology and something no one can change.
    > > > Race becomes offensive when we do as you say and begin catagorizing according
    > > > to skin color, I agree. That we can change.

    > > As I said in another post at the biological level there are only biological
    > > patterns of value and there is not a race, gene or chromosone in sight.
    > > Race appears to be a social level phenomenom - but, as Rog used to say, I
    > > could be wrong.
    > > My question would be how does race manifest itself at the biological level
    > > in the absence of either a social or intellectual level.
    > >
    > Hi Horse
    > In reading RMP's Subjects, Objects, Data and Values paper I see where he
    > says that the senses are the starting point of reality, not the social or
    > intellectual levels. Also, in LILA'S CHILD, Mr. Pirsig defines life as
    > "matter that is being configured by DNA." (Thank you to Struan Hellier for
    > suggesting this change, which Mr. Pirsig agrees with.) So I assume DNA is a
    > biological pattern of value. I'm not sure why genes and chromosones aren't
    > also biological patterns. Could you expand on this a little futher please.

    Isn't DNA (along with genes and chromosones) an intellectual pattern of value. At the
    biological level these things do not exist. DNA is a name for a biological pattern of value
    just as Carbon is a name for an inorganic pattern of value.
    I suppose terms like Carbon or DNA or Race are part intellectual patterns and part
    social patterns of value - we could probably call them cultural patterns maybe (just a
    I think of the idea of race in the same way that Pirsig illustrates the idea of Victorians in
    chapter 21 of Lila:
    "If he were going to be precise in talking about the Victorians he would have to be
    careful not to imply he was talking about a specific group of people. "Victorian", as he
    used the term, is a pattern of social values that was dominant in a social period between
    the American Civil war and World War 1, not a biological pattern."

    As I said above I think these and similar terms are part intellectual and part social. As
    Pisig says in Lila Chapter 12:
    "As the atomic physicist, Niels Bohr, said, "We are suspended in language". Our
    intellectual description of nature is always culturally derived"

    and Pirsig also asserts that culture is a combination of social and intellectual patterns of

    Does this answer your question? If not I'll try and expand a bit more although I'm still
    groping around a bit with some aspects of these ideas.

    See ya


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