Re: [Spam] RE: MD immoral irony?????

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Jun 29 2004 - 20:39:54 BST

  • Next message: David Morey: "Re: MD the metaphysics of free-enerprise"

    Hi All,

    MSH writes:
    > Again, this is why most scientists, including physical and social
    > scientists, eschew the word "race." What I'm saying now is that we
    > at the cultural level should take the cue from science and stop using a
    > confusing, empty, and divisive word. As Ant said earlier, it's a static
    > latch who's days are numbered. Goodbye and good riddance.

    I agree. Goodbye and good riddance to affirmative action and all other
    discriminatory, race-based public policies. Just as people shouldn't be
    oppressed on the basis of their genetic characteristics, neither should
    they be privileged on that basis.


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