Re: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise

Date: Wed Jul 07 2004 - 23:49:11 BST

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    Dear Mark H,
    In my experience as an 'employee' i can tell you that i was always removed
    from my surroundings. All my life i have been a little removed because i
    question too much, and this lead me to see Quality the more easily. I guess it's a
    pattern thing?

    Anyway, i always had the impression that the division between those who owned
    a company and those who worked in it was almost totally arbitrary. I could
    never find an overriding reason why everyone in the company should not share in
    the rewards.
    What i did realise is that the arbitrary imposition of 'hierarchy' and
    'structure' was accepted and used to confer social status. Nothing more.

    I worked at Lever Brothers at Port Sunlight UK for a long time - this place
    is one of the first industrial centres to have evolved in the World. It's a
    village with hundreds of houses - each totally individual - built for the workers
    by the owner of the Soap factory. It's still there today.
    This was a place were people came first.

    I'm not interested in Dan's example. People matter and that is the most
    important priority in any adventure in life.
    Everyone is enlightened in my view. It is the build up of static patterns
    which create the illusion that one isn't. Therefore, work should be a situation
    where people learn to realise this, engaged in coherent activity. Otherwise,
    the patterns continue to grow, cling and suffocate.

    I apologise for the high sounding tone of this post Mark H.
    A more nuance and measured version is within me, but i feel like going with
    the flow tonight.

    All the best,

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