RE: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise

From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Thu Jul 08 2004 - 16:47:00 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise"

    Platt stated:

    > In regards to an employee-owned company, the tendency is for each employee
    > to look after his own interests rather than the interests of the company
    > as a whole. That's human nature. Dan Glover's post on the difference
    > between an business owner's outlook compared to that of his employees
    > illustrates this beautifully.

    Arlo responds:

    I fully disagree with this. And this oddly smacks of your criticism of
    government. Here it says "I need the CEO to protect me from myself". In any
    business where the employee is connected, and in this economy in many where
    she/he is not, the employee is fully aware of his need for the business to
    continue, and is very motivated to do so. Thus, the continuation of the
    business is just as concerning for the employees of an employee-owned company
    as a corporation. The one difference, that I've already suggested, is an
    inability to compete with multinationals relying on slave labor overseas.

    Moreover, if you attitude is that people are greedy and inherently motivated by
    nothing more base than there self-interest, how can you seriously argue that
    removing regulations on business will do anything but harm? And please, don't
    tell me that the population will exercise power through purchasing choices.
    Show me any historical example where anything short of force (and subsequent
    regulations) has freed the poor from the rich. I'll wait...


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