RE: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise

From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Fri Jul 09 2004 - 22:38:17 BST

  • Next message: Arlo J. Bensinger: "Re: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise"

    Dan, Platt, All...

    > Here Pirsig has escaped from guilt and "political correctness" as well as
    > the stifling blanket of social morality and the "monomyth" that Arlo
    > mentions in his latest post to me in the free enterprise thread. He has
    > thrown away, if but temporarily, the cultural glasses through which he and
    > we judge others. For the moment he is "just free" -- the highest good in
    > the MOQ.

    I am getting the feeling my posts are not even being read, Platt. I let this go
    when after a half a dozen posts saying I favor a grass-roots rethinking of
    modern capitalism I get a "I bet it entails coercion of honest traders" charge.
    I let this go when after a just as many posts saying I favor free-markets I am
    still in an argument over modern capitalism versus eastern bloc socialism. I
    let this go after several posts stating I don't have complaint with wages
    reflecting labor practices, and that I have no problem with earning money in a
    truly free market, I find myself being presented as someone favoring "material
    equality" as practiced in the Soviet Union or that I find "earning money isn't

    I had enjoyed this conversation, but it is becoming clear to me that you don't
    even read what I write! Perhaps it is because of the seemingly perfectly
    dichotomized view of the world you appear to evidence in your posts (modern
    capitalism versus "evil", republicans versus "evil" (I mean limousean
    liberals), even America versus "radical Islamic fundamentalists") and the clean
    compartmentalizing of placing terms such as "free enterprise" soley in your one
    category, that you have no category for gradiations or alternatives or critical
    analysis of what is actually going on in the world.

    The monomyth I presented (since you brought up Joseph Campell), as one "analogy"
    (or a meta-analogy) of thinking about responding to Quality, and how responding
    to Quality must supercede the goal of wealth accumulation. Responding to
    Quality over wealth is a "stifling blanket of social morality"?

    I'm not going to bother restating what I've written, but will ask others who may
    not have read that post to read it for yourself. "Stifling blanket of social
    morality". Indeed, I think you've just described modern capitalism.


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