RE: MD the metaphysics of self-interest

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Mon Jul 12 2004 - 11:36:21 BST

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD the metaphysics of self-interest"

    Hi Mel

    Mel said:
    Creating a production process is an act of dynamic intellect to
    establishing a static reality of the "intellectual design." The purpose
    of which is to allow a "society" of workers to act upon the physical
    resources by way of the system to ensure an efficient, effective,
    static production requiring little dynamic attention.

    Good point, and I think you are pointing to something about the MOQ
    which is often misunderstood. Things, as you have identified, often
    exist simultaneously across the levels. When we say, "..this is social,
    that is biological..," it can often mean, "..this is dominated by social
    patterns...that is predominantly biological.."

    So, as you suggested, a production process may begin as an intellectual
    pattern, designed to meet a social goal, performed by biological bodies
    operating inorganic tools. However, all levels may be involved, but they
    are ultimately motivated by a social pattern - profit.

    In a response to Platt, I noted that "intellectuals" are composed of
    static patterns from all levels, like anybody else, and so, although it
    may be said they are dominated by intellectual patterns, they are still
    composed of biological and social level motivations as well.



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