Re: MD Coherence and Swords.

From: ml (
Date: Tue Jul 27 2004 - 05:31:44 BST

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise"


    A regular sword which is good to use will weigh from 1.1 kilograms up to 1.3 kg, including the handle and tsuba. If the sword is any heavier, the practitioner will have to use physical strength. It may appear all right while practising iaido forms, but when cutting forcefully downward or executing chiburi (blood removal), the blade will often shake uncontrollably when brought to a halt. The root cause of many bad habits in swordsmanship is that the sword is too heavy. It is essential to use caution with a heavy sword.

    Some of the Showa Era Naval swords brought back from W.W.II are
    6 or so inches longer than traditional Katana.  The length and weight
    combine to feel kind of like you have grabbed the end of a see-saw
    at the end of the cut.  If you are too vertical you get rocked back on 
    the heels and if your projection is forward it may require a hop 
    forward to retain balance...if you settle strongly though with just the 
    right rock on your extension it feels pretty formidable, but it is tough 
    to find.
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