LS Re: Four levels of being

Magnus Berg (
Wed, 2 Sep 1998 17:10:28 +0100

Hi Horse and welcome back

You wrote:
> The floppy disk example also jogged my own IntPoV's. If the floppy
> disk contained a virus then the disk is supporting a life form, even
> though that life form is created by IntPoV's. This would appear to
> be a level above the Intellectual level as the computer virus displays
> nearly all of the values of organic life but its environmental starting
> point is different to BioPoV's.

I don't think that's actually a level above the intellectual. In my essay
I argue that such viruses are alive as you say, but their universe is built
using other inorganic building blocks. They have not quarks and neutrinos
but ones and zeros, they have not our laws of nature but the instruction
set of the CPU. Here's where the MoQ is so powerful, it is a framework for
two very different physics using the same metaphysics.

BTW, if the virus would be of a level above the intellectual, it would mean
that it would be more moral than humans. Second, I don't think any level are
aware of levels above it, so we wouldn't intellectually be aware of such a


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