LS Re: in nothingness there is a great working

Donald S. Rosenow (
Sat, 5 Sep 1998 04:02:06 +0100

Hello, Troy and LS!

Troy wrote:

>>unless you consider perspective to be another one of those "attributes".
>>tell me that gravity does not matter and then i'll agree that the only
>>perspective that matters is the human one. i'm glad mass values mass, and
>>not because of any Good Will that made it so. because mass values mass,
>>the Earth has held together long enough for us humans to evolve and think
>>about it.

I have to beg off on the gravity question. The easy answer is, I suppose, that
if humans were not around it just wouldn't matter to us.

One of the things that that I think gets lost in these discussions is that
whatever the MOQ is (or what it ultimately describes), it is absolutely
valueless to us unless it helps us to improve our own understanding of the
world and our place in it.

For the record, I'm kind of glad that mass values mass. I just wish it valued
me less!

>>if xlmfkvv exists, it has always existed.

 xlmfkvv was invented and declared a thing out of whole cloth for rhetorical
purposes. It didn't exist before I invented it. With any luck it won't
multiply like Tribbles and will soon go away. It has not always existed and
neither has any one material object that I know of.

>>for many minutes, i typed and backspaced my explanation of how i see it.

I sympathize. If it wasn't for "delete" and "undo", I'd never get anything
coherent written. I think I have trashed more cyber letters than I have ever

>>doesn't anybody see the problem?
we still must "rank" intellectual quality, for example, in deciding what
we ought to do.

Why is that a problem? We do that anyway on each of the other levels. We make
bazillions of decisions about Quality every day, mostly unconsciously. The
conscious decisions are the ones that define us as human beings.

>>is my existence more moral than Anthony McWatt's? if
>>it came down to that, how might we make a decision?

It depends upon who is deciding. You, Ant, or a disinterested third party. :-)


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