LS Re: PROGRAM Subject-object platypi and Metaphysics of Quality solutions

Jonathan B. Marder (
Tue, 8 Sep 1998 01:28:32 +0100

Hi Diana, LS,

DIANA wrote:-
>The very notion of free will is inseparable from the notion of subjects
>and objects. To even speak of it is to show that you've swallowed the
>subject-object metaphysics whole. It is the subject that has free will
>after all. You cannot be Dynamic and have a fully fledged subject
>concept at the same time. "Man makes choices" is pure SOM. Who makes
>choices? The little ghostly "me"s that live inside our heads

Well done Diana! You've helped me see how the concepts of will, purpose
and cause are completely dependent on subjects and objects.
Subjects have will, PURPOSE.
Objects are subject to CAUSE.

When I ask "Why does the LS exist?" the question can mean either "What
purpose does the LS serve?" or "By what means did the LS come into
After Newton, causality became absolutely central in science, while
"purpose" was almost ignored.
This is except in biology, which may be why physicists never took
biologists seriously as scientists.

Now when a quantum event happens, does it happen "on purpose" or because
of some underlying cause?

What it comes down to is that the concept of "purpose" is an enormous
SOM platypus.

A couple of weeks ago BO wrote:-
>Seen thus it's no wonder that we humans from our high Intellect perch
>look down upon the rest of the Q-levels and formulates these futile
>and irrelevant questions: what is it like to be a bat? ...

Bo's question is ridiculous as a scientific question only if we
"objectively" ignore purpose. However, according to MoQ, it would be
quite in order to define purpose to give the question a meaningful
context. Thus in my reply I wrote:-

> If we define the purpose ("morality") of a bat as the
>quest to survive and propagate, then "what is it like to be a bat?" is
>perfectly reasonable question about identifying the issues relevant to
>bat's survival.

Regards to all,


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