LS Re: the 5th level

Bodvar Skutvik (
Wed, 9 Sep 1998 01:47:22 +0100

Glove and Squad.

Let me say that I am thrilled by the quality of the discussion
of late. It is as one review of the ZMM said:.."Intellectual
entertainment of the highest order!"

You wrote:
> Bo, i sense a conflict here...something is not right. you say
> imagine Quality is a new moral level, but how can it be new when
> everything is Quality? if i might be so bold, i would say that the
> notion of the Q-intellect is not quite right, but it is adequate for
> the time being to allow agreement on how we normally view the
> universe. and now, what you see as the emergence of a 5th level is
> actually an emergence of a Quality outlook and a gradual letting go
> of the old subject/object value system now in place.

My proposal of Quality as a next level is a test balloon I admit that
and I may have forgotten to let go the line when I inflated my SOTAQI
idea and am now soaring along with it...and will have a heavy fall
when someone finally punctures it. Your objection (about the
viability of a Q-level when everything is quality) is a hole, but
I'll try to patch it.

According to ZMM there reigned a kind of proto-quality "metaphysics"
before the old Greeks started to develop the growing S-O logic into
a fullfledged S-O metaphysics. In LILA this same development is
interpreted as Intellect freeing itself from it's Social origins,
i.e; looking upon the individual as intrinsically different and
more valuable than (its) society and environment.

After this enormous historically shift (proto-) quality was
forgotten, SOM reigned. So, now if Quality returns it CANNOT appear
in its old role (as a blissful 'laissez faire') After the
Intellectual detour everything is changed, the new Quality simply HAS
to grow out of Intellect - which means that S-O logic will forever be


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