LS Intellect's job.

Bodvar Skutvik (
Wed, 9 Sep 1998 01:54:31 +0100

Sun, 06 Sep 1998 16:36:44 PDT

> For Bodvar, (or anyone)
> Where do you think emotions would fit in in the four (or 5 levels)
> You say it is a "carrier" of social values. i would think that emotions
> would be a low level of intellectuall Quality, however there is an
> interesting possibillity that emotions could be classified as inorganic
> because of the chemicals that need to be released in the brain to feel
> certain emotions, you could control emotions like that if you knew what
> you were doing.
> A higer level of intellect (going back to ZMM) is to classify emotions
> into good and bad by asking what is Best? So it could be the intellects
> job to 1.) Tell the body to feel an emotion on something 2.) Separate
> from the emotion to find out whether it is high or low Quality 3.) To
> find out whether it is "moral" to feel the particular emotion as a
> response to the action that caused the emotion.

The placing of things, events and phenomenons at what level and where
within levels - high or low - is an exhausting game, I have made
a very general assertion: Everything is high or low (or MU) own
value from each level's point of view. To Matter everything is high
or low Inorganic value, to Life everything is high or low Biological
value, and so on upwards.

However, to catch the characteristic of each level I have also
formulated this sequence: Interaction - Sensation - Emotion -
Reason. If a phenomenon is mediated by reason it is Intellectual
value; if it is mediated by emotion it is Social, if by sensation
it's Biology and by interaction it is Inorganic (the last is a bit
speculative, but ..alas). Hence my "emotions as carriers of Social
value". So when you say:

> however there is an interesting possibillity that emotions could be
> classified as inorganic because of the chemicals that need to be
> released in the brain to feel certain emotions, you could control
> emotions like that if you knew what you were doing.

you are complicating matters unnecessarily. There are chemicals;
there is electricity, there are all conceivable linds of Inorganic
patterns involved, but those ingredients are Inorganic all the

About "emotion control". All levels strives to supress (control) its
parent level, that is its "job" , but Q-Intellect can't tell the
Q-Body anything, it has to go by way of Q-Society.

When you say that Intellect's job is: ..."telling the body to feel
emotions" it is SOM where there is a mind which supposedly is able to
interact with "its body", but that is not the MOQ. Intellect
can only "tell" the Social level to modify its emotions, which in
turn can influence bodily sensations.

...."Separate itself from the emotion"!... Yes, Intellect tries
relentlessly to separate itself from emotions (Society), that's just

..."find out whether it is "moral" to feel the particular emotion as a
response to the action that caused the emotion".... Yes, that is
Intellect at work, but at times it is in vain, if you do a socially
condemnable act you can't avoid feeling bad.


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