(no subject)

From: owner-lilasquad@venus.co.uk
Date: Tue Mar 02 1999 - 00:57:38 GMT

Sender: owner-lilasquad@venus.co.uk
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: lilasquad@moq.org

Thanks for all of the suggestions and comments for the March topic. If I've
counted the votes properly, we have a 5-5 tie between those interested in
helping with Mary's MOQ sermon and those interested in exploring the
reality of the dharmakaya light with Richard Budd. I've chosen Mary's topic
this time and taken the liberty of selecting an appropriate quote from
*Lila*, ala David Buchanan's suggestion.

"... That was the problem this morning too, with Rigel. Phædrus had no
answers. If you're going to talk about Quality at all you have to be ready
to answer someone like Rigel. You have to have a ready-made Metaphysics of
Quality that you can snap at him like some catechism. Phædrus didn't have a
Catechism of Quality and that's why he got hit."

How does one explain the Metaphysics of Quality in 45 minutes or less to
people who have never heard of it? That is, how does one reduce the MOQ to
a catechism?

Have fun!

Keith A. Gillette <http://detling.dorm.org/gillette/>

MOQ Online - http://www.moq.org

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