Re: MD: The Linguistic Turn

From: Matt the Enraged Endorphin (
Date: Thu Nov 21 2002 - 01:18:57 GMT

  • Next message: Scott R: "Re: MD Individuality"


    When I said, "Part of this turn is that, strip away language and you aren't
    left with mind, you're left with nothing," I should've compared it with
    what people think is left when we strip away mind: a body and that's it.
    Its the same thing with language.

    If All thought is linguistic, why talk about the Thoughtless mind? What
    good are questions about Thoughtless Reality? How can we hope to
    understand Reality that is Pre-thought? Why try?

    I think that's the general ballpark. The point is that when we try to
    understand the world we aren't pinning our statements on the world, we are
    simply making statements about the world. The only thing our sentences
    connect up to are other sentences.


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