Re: MD levels

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Fri Dec 13 2002 - 15:44:36 GMT

  • Next message: Gert-Jan Peeters: "MD The Quality of Winter"

    Hi Wim:

    > You wrote:
    > 'the crab is also possessed by Quality and has direct experience of value'.
    > For me 'being possessed by Quality' refers to MoQ thinking and 'having
    > experience of value' refers to SOM thinking.

    Would you care to expand on why you think "being possessed by
    Quality refers to MoQ thinking and "having experience of value refers to
    to SOM thinking?" Could you give some examples of the two different
    types of thinking? Which of the two types of thinking makes the
    distinction between types of thinking?

    > The value 'I' (or the crab)
    > experiences is not the same Quality that creates 'me' or the crab.

    The Quality I experience is not the same Quality that created me? I
    thought Quality (Value) was pure, direct experience and that the
    Dynamic aspect of Quality was the force that created everything. You
    seem to suggest there is more than one Quality whereas I consider
    Quality to be a single, all embracing, ineffable entity synonymous with
    the "inner light" or "Divine One"-- the basic premise we agree on in our
    approach to the MoQ. In other words, I believe the light within a crab is
    the same light that is within me, the only difference being that my light
    compared to the crabs shines forth with greater freedom and versatility.
    Do we understand Quality differently?


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