MD Proposal to discuss a Metaphysics of Value

Date: Fri Aug 06 2004 - 23:19:25 BST

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    I have just joined your mailing list, so please forgive me if this is not the proper procedure for proposing a new topic.

    By way of introduction, I have developed a valuistic philosophy independently of Robert Pirsig but based on an ontological thesis that is quite similar to the MOQ. It is my contention that while the novel, particularly one as well written as Lila, can illustrate various sociological aspects of a philosophy and gain popular appeal, it will necessarily leave many of the fundamental points unclarified and open to speculation. This, I think, is what has happened in the case of our peripatetic author, and why there is so much debate in this (and other) forums as to what Pirsig "means" by the terms Quality (DQ vs. SQ), Perception, Existence, Creation, etc.

    Those of you who have reviewed the author's Subjects, Objects, Data and Values, presented at the 1995 "Einstein Meets Magritte" conference, will appreciate the fact that a even a brief metaphysical exposition can provide far more insight than a 500-page autobiographical novel. I came across this paper two years ago while researching Value for my own website, and decided to include the author's incisive analysis of the Bohr/Heisenberg controversy in my thesis. After reading Lila, I contacted Professor Pirsig by forwarded letter, hoping to obtain additional clarification of his Quality concept. He returned a short note, pointing out the "remarkable similarity" of my Value thesis, and suggesting that I "might get some interesting comments from the contributors to in the Discuss section". Hence, my request to be added to this prestigious list.

    If my proposed subject is "out of bounds" for this forum, I will withdraw it poste haste and continue to participate as one who is very interested in the MOQ. Otherwise, I welcome any questions concerning my own philosophy of Essence, the thesis for which may be found at

    Thank you for considering this topic suggestion which, in addition to helping me clarify my own concepts, I believe has the potential to shed new light on the Metaphysics of Quality [Value].

    Essentially yours,
    Ham Priday

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