From: MarshaV (
Date: Wed Aug 11 2004 - 16:19:44 BST

  • Next message: Dan Glover: "Re: MD DQ & emergence & consciouness"


    My praise was for bringing to this discussion such a beautiful description
    of FIRE. And making the example a Feminine point-of-view.


    At 05:01 PM 8/11/2004 +0400, you wrote:
    >Hi MarshaV, Joe, Chuck and all.
    >MarshaV wrote:
    >M> I don't recognize the gender of the name Ilya.
    >M> If you're a woman, then: Bravo! Bravo!! Bravo!!!
    >M> If not, still: Bravo! Bravo!! Bravo!!!
    >Well, I am a little embarrassed, MarshaV. What have I done deserving
    >your praise?
    >I am a man, by the way :-)
    >Chuck wrote:
    >CR> Are you saying that when you're "coherent" you're not undifferentiatedly
    >CR> conscious?
    >Chuck, I am not sure what you mean by being not undifferentiatedly
    >conscious. I wanted to say that when a person is coherent, there are
    >no conscious "self", no inner observer, "homunculus" that is aware of
    >what this person feels. You see? When a person is aware of what he
    >feels it means split personality: one self that feels and the other
    >that looks at the first. Coherence means that there are no split
    >personality. You JUST feel, JUST see, JUST do what you do.
    >CR> If I understand you correctly, "awareness" is something to be shunned or
    >CR> transcended.
    >Well, it depends on your purpose :-) I simply pointed to the root of
    >awareness (as I see it).
    >CR> "Undifferntiated consciousness," or "being" - without all the
    >CR> arbitrary lines that have been drawn from Adam's initial labels on down
    >CR> through history - isn't that the point? Stripping away that which divides
    >CR> in an effort to understand unity or "coherence"? Is that not why we
    >CR> and claw at the side of the MOQ Everest, scaling rocky levels of
    >CR> progressively higher Quality to eventually jam at the apogee and
    >groove with
    >CR> the cosmos? (or kosmos for any K.W. adherents in the house) I
    >thought that
    >CR> was "awareness" up there, among the frozen corpses and empty oxygen
    >CR> cannisters.
    >I am greatly perturbed at the way you seem to equate undifferentiated
    >consciousness and awareness. Awareness means differentiatedness to me
    >almost by definition. Maybe I don't understand something, Chuck?
    >Language barrier may hinder understanding. (I am Russian.)
    >CR> Someone around here asked: "who am I?" and then responded to himself,
    >CR> asking?" That's the whole enchilada for me. I think the answer is
    >the guy
    >CR> at the controls, behind the curtain. Whoever said that, by the way, I've
    >CR> thought of little else since; thanks, I think. (Who thinks!?!)
    >Chuck, may I recommend you a book? It is one of my favourites. (I have
    >read it 3 or 4 times.) I hope you will find answers to many of your
    >question there.
    >"Nature, Man and Woman" by Alan W. Watts
    >Wim wrote:
    >WN> I meant the substitution of 'being open to Dynamic Quality' for
    >WN> 'experiencing Dynamic pressure' as simply another way of describing
    >the same
    >WN> phenomenon that didn't require introduction of a new term ('Dynamic
    >WN> pressure'). Another way would be to simply substitute 'Quality' for
    >WN> 'pressure':
    >Well, maybe you are right...
    >WN> I realize now that 'openness to' indeed suggests an explanation for
    >WN> 'experiencing', but I didn't mean to suggest that.
    >I hoped you did.
    >WN> You want to 'build a new scientific psycology based on MOQ
    >assumptions' but
    >WN> not 'slave to the MOQ'. You want 'both [to] take root from one common
    >WN> ground'.
    >WN> I would say that such an alternative psychology should take root in a MoQ
    >WN> (possibly a slightly adapted version, because applying to new terrain may
    >WN> make clear some needs for change), but not be fully determined by MoQ
    >WN> assumptions: a new scientific discipline adds assumptions of its own.
    >It seems to me, psychology don't necessarily need to be based on metaphysics.
    >Metaphysics, as you said in your article, "is understood to mean our answers
    >to three questions:
    >1) How can we know? (epistemology)
    >2) What can we know? (ontology)
    >3) How can we know what we should do? (meta-ethics)"
    >Psychology, on the other hand, have to consider these three questions:
    >1) What do we have? (The possible answer is: experience.)
    >2) What can we say about it? (How can we conceptualize it?)
    >3) What can we do about it? (How can we become more happy, more
    >harmonious and so on.)
    >As you see, the questions are similar, but they are not the same.
    >Best regards,
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