Re: [Spam] Re: MD the metaphysics of free enterprise

From: johnny moral (
Date: Wed Aug 11 2004 - 22:14:15 BST

  • Next message: johnny moral: "Re: MD DYNAMIC PRESSURE (?)"

    Platt wrote (and my hotmail never got):
    > > If my material existence depends on someone experiencing me, I'm in real
    > > trouble because at least 50 percent of my time I spend alone. Also I
    > > hope my existence doesn't depend on someone's expectation that I exist.
    > > I'd be worried all the time that as soon as they stopped expecting, I'd
    > > disappear.

    I wouldn't expect you (or anything else) to blink in and out of existence
    when no one is looking at you. That is one of my strongest, highest quality
    beliefs. And remember that you have been experienced, your existence has
    been recognized in the public records and in people's beliefs (your
    mother's, the doctor's, etc), and there's no way that can be undone. If
    there were no evidence of you existing ever in any consciousness, then I
    would say that you probably didn't exist.

    Besides, you are a consciousness, part of the human consciousness that
    creates everything, so while you are alone you are still creating the world
    and being created by patterns of morality.

    David M wrote:
    >How about from the other side. Take sensory deprivation,
    >it seems to destroy the experience of an SOM type.
    >Does this seems to have important implications about
    >the relationship between being and sense?

    Sense just senses for a small sample of time, and the world in between those
    senses is filled in by our minds according to our beliefs. Thus, while we
    are asleep or in a sensory deprivation tank, our minds believe that things
    contnue to exist.

    I'm surprised this idea, that existence and being come from experience and
    don't actually exist "out there", meet resistance? How can one accept Lila
    without agreeig with this?


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