MD Re: Non-empiricist definition of DQ

Date: Thu Aug 19 2004 - 18:06:47 BST

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    From Ham to Chris, Thursday, Aug. 19

    Hi, Chris, and thank's for answering my question to David concerning
    multiple universe systems.

    A few postings ago, you wrote ...

    > DQ is exactly the creation of new niches.
    > Why can't MOQ see this? Because a new niche is undetectable until it's
    > filled, and according to empiricism, it doesn't exist until it's
    > detectable. Once it's filled (by something evolving to fill it), then
    > you observe the static pattern and by implication the niche. But the
    > moment of creation of the niche was unobservable.
    > DQ is the creation of yet-to-be-filled evolutionary niches.
    > Empiricism, I think, has trouble dealing with possibility.

    This is certainly true, and your proposition is significant to my own thesis
    and very well developed.
    Now that I know that you and David are not proposing a theory of "multiple
    universes", let's focus on "possibility" as it relates to future events. In
    your last note to me you said: "Since a niche can't
    be detected until it's filled, there's no way of knowing which niches
    exist." But can a niche be said to exist prior to its being experienced as
    reality? In other words does "potentiality" infer existence? This is the
    problem I'm having with your proposition, and I suspect that it may also
    have exposed some ambiguity in the MOQ.

    In my Philosophy of Essence, I place "Essence" beyond the realm of empirical
    reality and maintain that it is the a priori Source rather than an
    "existent". From a logical perspective, this avoids having to deal with
    conflicting or opposing factors that apply to a dynamic system (DQ?). I'm
    quite aware that my thesis is regarded as "supernatural" by the MOQ
    participants for this reason, but I don't think it violates Pirsig's central
    idea that Quality (or Value) transcends the duality of empirical reality
    (SOM) providing an esthetic link between man and ultimate reality. While I
    have not fully grasped the teleological aspects of your "possibilities"
    concept, and its implications relative to individual Freedom, I think you
    may be on to something.

    Among other things, I would like to see how you explain Free Will in the
    context of cause-and-effect determinism. (You might be interested in seeing
    how I've handled this in the Freedom section of my own thesis at No one has raised questions about the concept
    outlined there, which probably means they haven't read it or don't consider
    it relevant to MOQ). I'd be very interested in your
    thoughts on this, Chris.

    Essentially yours,

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