RE: MD A bit of reasoning

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Fri Oct 15 2004 - 16:47:04 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "RE: MD A bit of reasoning"

    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for taking time to catch me up with your ideas about the
    limitations of the MOQ. I know it took some effort and repetition on
    your part, but I appreciate having a summary in a single post.

    As you know, we agree that the MOQ doesn't provide an adequate
    explanation of the emergence of consciousness. This Problem of
    Consciousness is, for me, the most daunting problem of philosophy,
    science, religion. So I'd like to focus on this question.

    I now understand that you see your INTELLECT and Pirsig's QUALITY as
    one and the same. But this is confusing to me because if the terms
    are synonymous then there's no real reason to prefer one over the
    other. Aren't you suggesting that INTELLECT is somehow a better word
    (that is, of higher explanatory power) than QUALITY?

    If so, could you address the Problem of Consciousness from this
    perspective? How does using the word "INTELLECT" rather than
    "QUALITY" in describing fundamental reality provide a better
    explanation of the evolution (or emergence, if you prefer) of human

    Thanks for your time.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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