Re: MD Moral values in the election and in the Bible

Date: Tue Nov 09 2004 - 04:16:36 GMT

  • Next message: Arlo J. Bensinger: "RE: MD Wisconsin School OKs Creationism Teaching"

    In a message dated 11/6/2004 11:59:25 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
    The additional idea that we might want to spend time considering who,
    between Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives, are
    the most Christ-like only reaffirms my suspicion that, even among the
    relatively strong thinkers one encounters on this list, there is an
    unsettling disconnect between the comfort of belief and the
    discomfort of truth.
    Equally unsettling, if not more so, is the inverse of this. Namely, the
    comfort of truth and the discomfort of believe. In fact, this is the prevalent
    phenomena. Belief and faith are not always "comfortable". People often struggle
    with their beliefs. Truth is easier--indeed, perhaps all *too* easy--to accept.

    It's easy to blame faith. What's not so easy is the very real possibility
    that *lack* of faith is the real danger bearing down on humanity's future. Not
    only is it fashionable to doubt the existence of God, but the existence of Truth
    itself. We lost belief in Quality a long time ago, Pirsig suggests. The
    teachers of Quality--the Sophists--are considered the enemies of Truth. But Pirsig
    suggests that they were actually something else. Teachers--and champions--of
    Excellence. Although these teachers and their methods have been systematically
    vilified, humans continue to harness what they taught. Quality. Perhaps Truth
    deserves what the post-modernists are trying to do to it. I hope not.

    As for our current religious terror problems, I have no doubt that the
    overwhelming power of capitalism and technological superiority will crush this last,
    dangerous gasp of religious terror. Could take ten or twenty years, but not
    much more than that. The future will only permit those who practice religion
    peacefully. Capitalism and technology will always triumph over religious
    fundamentalists. Thank God.


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