Re: MD Where does quality reside?

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Fri Nov 12 2004 - 17:15:20 GMT

  • Next message: Arlo Bensinger: "Re: RE: MD Wisconsin School OKs Creationism Teaching"

    Hi Sam,

    msh said:
    So, where does that leave us? Here are my options as I see them,
    yours of course may be different: (1) I accept that QUALITY literally
    created mind and matter because I have had a mystical revelation to
    that effect. (2) I accept that QUALITY literally created mind and
    matter because Phaedrus/Pirsig claims he had a mystical revelation to
    that effect, and I believe him. (3) I assume that QUALITY creates
    mind and matter because I find the MOQ to be, so far, the most useful
    metaphysics in describing my own experience.

    I reject (1) because I have had no such mystical revelation. I reject
    (2) because it involves a leap of faith. I have no reason to believe
    that the Phaedrus/Pirsig claim to mystical revelation (if such a
    claim is even made) should be regarded any differently than any other
    such claim. Why not go with Joan of Arc?

    That leaves me with (3) for now.

    sam asks:
    Would you accept that (3) provides evidence for the truth of (2)?

    msh says:
    Ah, very tricky, Padre. :-)

    If you are asking whether I believe the usefulness of the MOQ is
    evidence of the truth of its premise that Quality creates subjects
    and objects, I would say yes, in the same way that the usefulness of
    Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion is "proof" that the planets travel
    around the Sun in a single plane of perfect elippses. For me, these
    things are assumptions that remain "true" only as long as they remain
    powerful in developing language that is highly descriptive of
    empirical reality.

    If you are asking whether I believe the usefulness of the MOQ is
    evidence that Phaedrus had a mystical revelation about Quality
    creating subjects and objects, I'd say no, for the same reasons. And
    no to JOA, as well. In fact, isn't there something about mystical
    revelations that makes them impossible to verify, by definition?

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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