Re: RE: MD Wisconsin School OKs Creationism Teaching

From: Charles Roberts (
Date: Fri Nov 12 2004 - 20:13:02 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: RE: MD Wisconsin School OKs Creationism Teaching"

    Mark et al,

    > rich said:
    > I can see where you are both coming from, but isn't putting subjects
    > like evolution and Intelligent Design in seperate categories
    > (science, metaphysics, religion) part and parcel of the
    > subject/object stratification that leads to psichic alienation?
    > msh says:
    > Well, maybe. I know my OWN sense of psychic alienation is not due to
    > the fact that Evolution is studied separately from Intelligent
    > Design.

    [Scott:] ID is a theory of evolution. Evolution is only the conclusion from
    the fossil record that species have come into and out of existence, and
    that this process takes a very long time, that later forms build on earlier
    forms, and so on. Evolution by chance and natural selection is a hypothesis
    on how this evolution comes about. ID is a different hypothesis. Neither
    can claim scientific conclusiveness. Both are assumed based on
    philosophical predispositions.

    > BTW, ID is just a new name for an old argument for the existence of
    > God. The ID version has some highly questionable probability
    > calculations, but the theory itself hasn't overcome David Hume's
    > original arguments against it, as far as I can determine. FWIW, I'm
    > writing a longer piece on this, and hope to post it tonight.

    [Scott:] Nonsense. If the probability calculations happened to bear out,
    then Hume's arguments would be partially overcome. That is, one cannot
    assume that there is a Designer who fits the Judeo-Christian idea of God,
    but one has made extremely likely the idea that design is involved. But, of
    course, that's a big if. I doubt that either side in the debate can claim
    to know what the probablities are. That's why I think both hypotheses are
    not scientifically conclusive.

    - Scott

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