Re: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Sun Jan 30 2005 - 08:26:53 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Understanding Quality and Power"

    Hi Scott, Paul,

    One comment on this post from Scott:

    >> Paul:
    >> No, the MOQ states that static patterns block the direct perception of
    >> DQ and are deduced from the primary undifferentiated experience of DQ,
    >> but it does not claim that static patterns aren't real. This seems to be
    >> a common misconception, caused, I think, by the attempt to identify
    >> Pirsig with this and that philosophy.
    > Scott:
    > As so often, to make my main point, I get careless on a minor one. Yes,
    > the
    > MOQ considers concepts as real as rocks and trees. But the main point is
    > that "static patterns block the direct perception of DQ" is in the same
    > mold
    > as Kant's "the human conceptual structure blocks perception of the
    > real-in-itself". With the difference that the MOQ holds that the block is
    > removable, while Kant thinks it isn't.

    And the tradition descending via Schleiermacher and James says that it is
    removable too - and accessible via "feeling" in Schleiermacher, "pure
    experience" in James, the "undifferentiated aesthetic continuum" in
    Northrop - and DQ in Pirsig.


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