Re: MD Scientific beliefs and religious faith

From: MarshaV (
Date: Mon Apr 11 2005 - 18:57:59 BST

  • Next message: Matt Kundert: "RE: MD Contradictions"

    Hi Sam,

    At 05:05 PM 4/11/2005 +0100, you wrote:
    >Marsha - I'm not sure, but I think you've got the wrong end of the stick.
    >I'm wanting to explore with Mark the differences and similarities between
    >a belief to do with faith, and a belief to do with science.

    But why not compare with Mark your Jesus is the Son of God assumption from
    both end of the stick? Compare it to a scientific belief and a less
    strongly and emotionally held unscientific belief (Tinkerbell lives in

    >The claim that Jesus is the Son of God is a belief which is a question of
    >faith. It is a core part of a developed belief system. It has been thought
    >through by some of the greatest minds of our civilisation. Classically
    >speaking, it is described as a truth unavailable to the unaided reason. In
    >other words, you can't get to belief that Jesus is the Son of God through
    >the application of reasoned argument. (NB that's not the same as saying
    >that it is irrational, but I'm sure we'll come on to that).

    For a very long time, many minds believed that the world was flat. Great
    is not a fair adjective because your describing minds considered great
    within your cultural belief system. I don't think your defense necessarily

    >So far as I am aware Tinkerbell is the creation of JM Barrie in his
    >stories about Peter Pan. It's not part of a developed belief system that
    >shapes people's lives, nor have some of the greatest minds in our
    >civilisation given a great deal of time to talking about her. Are you
    >seriously suggesting that believing that Tinkerbell resides in Neverland
    >is analogous to the belief that Jesus is the Son of God?

    It's an addition to your little thought experiment. Maybe the arguments
    you present will help prove that Jesus is the Son of God and that
    Tinkerbell lives in Neverland. She might, you know.

    >I can't tell if you're being facetious and teasing or are just profoundly

    I'm curious.


    'There's an alternative. There's always a third way, and it's not a
    combination of the other two ways. It's a different way. - David Carradine.

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