Re: MD Creativity and Philosophology, 2

From: David Harding (
Date: Sat Apr 16 2005 - 22:25:46 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Access to Quality"

    Erin wrote:
    "Our tendency to divide the perceived world into individual and separate things and to experience ourselves
    as isolated egos in this world is seen as an illusion which comes from our measuring and categorizing
    mentality. it is called avidya, or ignorance, in Buddhist philosophy and is seen in the state of a disturbed
    mind which has to be overcome. When the mind is disturbed the multitplicity of things is produced but when
    the mind is quieted, the multiplicity of things disappear."

    Is calling somebody an "unoriginal" or "original" thinker an example of avidya?

    David replies:
    Yes. According to Zen, calling somebody anything ie. making a value judgement, is a delusion to be overcome
    by meditation or another Zen Art. I think that the MOQ would agree with this and say that calling someone a
      name is, ultimately, an example of avidya(ignorance). It would differ however, on the point which Zen makes
    that these patterns are meaningless. The MOQ differs from this conclusion and says that these patterns are
    there and an unavoidable part of ones daily existence.

    Is "Quality" interchangable with "Tao"? if yes than how is Pirsig "original" and if no how did he refine it?

    As stated above I think he refined it by claiming that the patterns have meaning. Or to put it in poetic
    Robert Pirsig Zen language:

    "The MOQ sees the wheel of karma as attached to a cart that is going somewhere - from quantum forces through
      inorganic forces and biological patterns and social patterns to the intellectual patterns that perceive the
      quantum forces.. The suffering which the Buddhists regard as only that which is to be escaped, is seen by
      the MOQ as merely the negative side of the progression toward Quality. Without the suffering to propel it,
      the cart would not move forward at all."
    (Edited version from a letter of Robert Pirsig to Anthony McWatt, March 23rd 1997)

    With the kindest of regards,


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