Re: MD George Galloway & the Senate

From: Michael Hamilton (
Date: Fri May 20 2005 - 12:04:32 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Access to Quality"

    Hello to everyone,

    Just one thing to add on this issue. Has anyone else noticed the indignation
    from many politicians towards Galloway's brazen RHETORICAL skills? Perhaps
    they accuse him for not giving "straight answers" (i.e. giving answers and
    then going on the offensive) because their own failings as communicators
    have been exposed. Many of them rely on obfuscations; lawyer-speak; a stream
    of all-but-meaningless words to put across weak points. From their
    attitudes, it's clear to see that Galloway has exposed many politicians as
    weak, spineless non-entities that have got politics into the rut it's
    currently in. Just listen to the monotone, mumbling drawl of Galloway's
    accuser as he lays out the charges. He rolls on and on, often in rushed and
    incomprehensable fashion, without emphasising any salient points. As Pirsig
    describes, the Socratic tradition has made rhetoric into something to be
    frowned at, as if vital political issues should be described in the
    lifeless, detached way that makes politics feel irrelevant to large sections
    of the public.

    All politicians obfuscate in order to "cover their backs" at such hearings.
    What many despise Galloway for is that he did it with passion, making strong
    points, whereas the majority of politicians obfuscate by using vague,
    all-but-meaningless legalese. If nothing else, I admire Galloway for
    refusing to play that game.


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