Re: MD George Galloway & the Senate

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Fri May 20 2005 - 13:56:39 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD George Galloway & the Senate"

    Hi Anthony,

    > Platt stated May 19th 2005:
    > >Free speech doesn't require a megaphone be given to every crackpot who
    > >wants to destroy what we fight to preserve and promote around the world.
    > Well, that’s a bit of a harsh indictment on Norm Coleman. ;-) And,
    > anyway, don’t you think people in a democracy should be allowed to make
    > their own minds up about who is talking like a crackpot and who isn’t?
    > What gives a big mouth reporter on Fox News the right to censor parts of an
    > important Senate hearing? Hasn't it crossed your mind that Fox News were
    > possibly trying to hide something? Wake up and smell the coffee!

    As far as I can determine, the editors at Fox news gave Galloway more
    exposure than any other network including the leftist editors at CBS, NBC
    and ABC. No doubt the reason for this "censorship" was the judgment by
    editors (who are also "people in a democracy") that his testimony lacked
    news value. After all, Americans have heard it all before, ad nauseam.
    Galloway is the British version of Michael Moore. However, I give Galloway
    high marks for demonstrating what a bunch of wimps Republican senators
    are, even though their lack of cohonies hardly requires additional

    > >Apparently Galloway is not in favor of establishing democracy over tyranny
    > >in Iraq or anywhere else.
    > I think he is. However, I think – like any reasonable person – he’s
    > against illegal wars and the imposition of puppet governments such as the
    > one presently installed in Iraq.

    I guess you missed the free elections in Iraq. Not even Jimmy Carter could
    claim they were bogus.

    > >Good thing he wasn't in charge at the beginning of Word War II. Like
    > >Chamberlain, he would have capitulated to Hitler in a Munich minute.
    > Hitler was a real threat to world democracy. Though Hussein was a despot
    > and a dictator he was no real threat to us in the West. Galloway was
    > concerned primarily with the children in Iraq who were first starved to
    > death by international sanctions and then killed by the US-UK invasion and
    > occupation.

    Two-faced Galloway shows no concern for the children killed by Saddam. As
    for threats to democracy, if the British and its European allies had
    recognized Hitler's threat when he sent German forces into the Rhineland
    in 1936, the ghastly toll of human life lost in WW II might have been
    avoided. Fortunately, we have a leader in the U.S. who has learned from
    the history of appeasement well.

    > >Just so you know the other side of the story -- for a fair and balanced
    > >view. :-)
    > Well, is there an alternative in the MOQ to the view that killing innocent
    > children needlessly is immoral? I don’t think Struan Hellier would even
    > have tried that on.
    Well, is there an alternative in the MOQ for ignoring the needless killing
    of innocent children by a ruthless dictator, or ignoring the immorality of
    all tyrannies in squelching the freedoms necessary for a thriving
    intellectual level? I'm surprised you of all people ignore those tenets of
    the MOQ.


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