MD Primary Reality

From: Ant McWatt (
Date: Sun Jun 12 2005 - 18:00:49 BST

  • Next message: Matt Kundert: "Re: MD Primary Reality"

    Ian G stated June 12th 2005:

    >Good to see Kosko getting into the act - must re-visit his stuff sometime.
    >Not rocket
    >science, but pragmatic exploitation of the fact that very little is simple
    >binary all or nothing choices - the idealised dualities are rarely
    >applicable to the real
    >world. Also, has Hofstadter been subject to previous debate on here ?

    >... His biography and his psyche on arriving at his world view is spookily
    >similar to Pirsig's
    >despite him apparently retaining a pretty materialist (serious professional
    >scientist) outlook from what I can tell so far - but loops of emergent
    >complexity across
    >multiple levels, and clear Zen "sympathies" all bode for parallel ideas.
    >Also a clear line of "No objective, logical formal model can ever relate to
    >the real world
    >without interpretation", and a strong linguistic / anthropological
    >strand to that interpretation.


    I've not read Douglas Hofstadter’s 1979 Pullitzer prize winner text “Godel,
    Escher, Bach - An Eternal Golden Braid” but he sounds like one of those
    original thinkers often overlooked by the academic mainstream. I don't
    think he has been discussed here before (maybe Platt or Horse might remember
    differently) so I look forward to any further Pirsigian similarities that
    you might find.

    Best wishes,



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