Re: MD how do intellectual patterns respond to Quality?

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Jul 26 2005 - 02:08:29 BST

  • Next message: ian glendinning: "Re: MD Intellect as Consciousness"

    Hi Sam,

    > If we say one is more true than the other, how is truth expressed in terms
    > of Quality or value? (To say simply 'truth is a higher quality pattern' is
    > circular and doesn't answer my question)

    If you are asking "What is truth?" which I assume means a high quality
    intellectual pattern, then I pretty much follow what Pirsig suggested:
    agreement with experience (including intuition and illumination), logical
    consistency, and economy of explanation. I added intuition and
    illumination to experience in parens and would also add the criteria of
    esthetically pleasing (elegance) and trust in the motives of someone
    purporting to speak the truth.

    > How is the higher quality of one intellectual pattern over another static
    > latched? What causes the latching? Or, how should the latching be
    > understood? What is being latched on to where?

    I think truth is latched in individual minds based on individual truth
    criteria. Some of those criteria may be shared with others, some not.
    Truth is latched because it satisfies the individual's spectrum of values.
    I don't know if you find this useful at all, but maybe it will help get
    the discussion started.


    > I'll keep giving my answers to this in my discussion with Paul, but I
    > thought other people should have an opportunity for a 'clean' go at
    > answering the question.
    > Sam
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