Re: MD Racist Remarks

From: Erin (
Date: Sat Jul 30 2005 - 15:54:08 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Conflict"

    "Arlo J. Bensinger" <> wrote:
    Hi Erin,

    However, I wouldn't call the soldier or the "terrorist" "biologically dominant".
    Both I WOULD call "socially dominant".

    I think this gets into knowing the motivations/intentions of the person.
    Exploring the different motivations I still think some soldiers would be
    biologically dominat and some socially dominant. (same with criminals and
    lilesque women)

    Maybe. Based on what I've heard, more social level reasons are given than
    biological. Maybe you can answer me this, what "biological Quality" are the
    "terrorists" pursuing? Lila is obviously pursuing "sex".

    ERIN: Well that gets into motivation and intentions. I don't think it is fair to judge Lila on actions alone...well she has a lot of sex so she must be pursuing sex. Then for the terrorists .....well they are really violent but they are not really pursuing violence. Let's look deeper with these people. I mean if you turn on Jerry Springer my guess is they are biologically dominant (but note all the violence!). I don't think the free love of hippies is the same as that. As for Lila I just watched a movie with a Lilaesque women....the mother said something like she wasn't looking for sex she was looking for love. Is the love she is looking for biological...not sure. It just reminded me of the moving toward vs. moving against and no Lila doesn't seem like somebody I would see on Jerry Springer.

    ARLO:Drug users are
    pursuing biological "highs". What biological Quality would you say the
    "terrorists" are pursuing? Murder? They are killing simply for the pleasure of
    killing? Misguided as their actions are, I can't see how they are undertaken in the
    pursuit of biological Quality.

    ERIN: lol call me a cynic but actually I really do think some soldiers sign up for the sheer pleasure of killing. Not all of course but some see frightenly sadistic.. As for the terrorists I agree a lot of this social/religous stuff but I also wonder how much it is greed for biological goods biological? A long time ago somebody wrote a good post comparing Americans to the "what have the romans done for us?" of MP. I thought it was funny and had some truth in it. If you don't want to be greedy don't buy into it but I still see some of the attacks as being "greedy" because it seems to come more from resentment of has wealth than nonattachment of material goods.

    I wrote a long time ago that Karen Horney's three types of neuroticisms reminded
    me of the three levels....Moving against (bio), Moving toward (soc), and Moving
    Away (int). Maybe this is biasing me ...It is really hard for me to put
    somebody who is destructive to others higher than somebody who is
    self-destructive. Personally I know I would rather have a lilaesque person
    living next to me than the typical terrorist (regardless if they belong to the
    same culture).

    Please don't misunderstand, I don't condone the biological violence used by
    terrorists (or anyone else). I'm only arguing that it is used not in the
    pursuit of biological Quality, but of what they perceive to be social Quality,
    or the intellectual Quality of self-determination.

    In the end, the amount of bullets fired by either side won't accomplish a
    thing... because it is not a biological pattern, but a social one.


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