Re: MD MOQ: Involved or on the Sideline?

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Aug 09 2005 - 22:20:31 BST

  • Next message: Kevin Perez: "Re: MD Enlightenment or Revelation"

    > msh:
    > There's not much to get, really. Far from expressing the ideas of a
    > unique individual, the political blitherings of the Faux Philosopher
            (ad hominem attack)

    > are repeated ad nauseum, in near unison, by countless millions of
    > privileged white people in the USA.
         (blatant bigotry)

    > Just listen to TFP's primary
    > sources of information, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.
         (no evidence)

    > There's high
    > irony in TFP's continuous appeal for recognition of the individual
    > "genius," standing alone in his tireless battle to set the world
    > aright.
         (no evidence)

    > Please review the "Moral Society" threads to see how such "original
    > thinkers" engage in philosophical discussion. What's sad is that his
    > brainless repetition
         (ad hominem attack)

    > of debunked ideas
         (no evidence)

    > keeps pouring forth, turning this
    > list into just another portal for ill-informed
         (ad hominem attack)

    > right-wing invective.
         (no evidence)

    > I
    > wonder how many lurkers, having read Pirsig, have come and gone without a
    > word when they see such a perversion of RMP's philosophy.
         (no evidence)

    > What a shame.

    Indeed, since the above illustrates the rhetorical style of msh for all to

    Here's what Mr. Pirsig had to say about ad hominem attacks:

    "To say that a comment is 'stupid' is to imply that the person who makes
    it is stupid. This is the 'ad hominem' argument: meaning, 'to the
    person.' Logically it is irrelevant. If Joe says the sun is shining and
    you argue that Joe is insane, or Joe is a Nazi or Joe is stupid, what does
    this tell us about the condition of the sun?

    "That the ad hominem argument is irrelevant is usually all the logic texts
    say about it, but the MOQ allows one to go deeper and make what may be an
    original contribution. It says the ad hominem argument is A FORM OF EVIL.
    The MOQ divides the hominem, or 'individual' into four parts: inorganic,
    biological, social and intellectual. Once this analysis is made, the ad
    hominem argument can be defined more clearly: It is an attempt destroy the
    intellectual patterns of an individual by attacking his social status.
    In other words, a lower form of evolution is being used to destroy a
    higher form." THAT IS EVIL. (LC, 140-caps added).


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