Re: MD The intelligence fallacy (was Rhetoric)

Date: Mon Sep 19 2005 - 08:06:58 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Individuals and Collectives"

    Hi Platt --

    I had asked you to tell me where you stood on the issue of a primary source.
    You responded:

    > In my judgment the primary source is the principle
    > of rightness. More than that I cannot say.

    I can only assume from this brief statement that you do not believe in a
    primary source as cause or Creator but only a "principle". At least, that's
    all you've given me to go on. Could you have said more if I hadn't
    restricted Quality and Value? I guess what I should have asked was: Do you
    consider yourself an atheist?

    Incidentally, can you define your "principle of rightness"? Is it right
    just for you or for everyone? And how do you know? This sounds more like a
    morality code than a philosophy. And, as you know, I consider morality
    relative to the contingencies or conditions of experience.

    > Always happy to respond to your questions, Ham.
    > I wonder why you don't answer mine?

    Well, that's a first for me, Platt. I've just checked through the last 100
    or so messages for one addressed to me from Platt Holden, and couldn't spot
    any that I hadn't answered. Perhaps you didn't receive one or more of my
    responses dated 8/17, 8/19(2), 8/21, 8/23, 8/27, 8/28, 8/31 (mention), 9/5,
    9/6, 9/8(2), 9/9, 9/15 and 9/17(2). Let me know if you want any of these
    reposted or e-mailed to your personal address.

    Unless I deleted one of your posts in error -- unlikely, as I normally keep
    all except the political posts on file in two Outlook Express boxes, I can't
    imagine what it was that I failed to respond to. If I've overlooked a
    question, I apologize and can assure you that it was not intentional.

    Please get back to me with any unanswered question you have for me.


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